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How to Select the Right IT Vendor

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Your IT Support Vendor Has a Dramatic Impact on Your Business

In fact, choosing the right managed IT service provider may be the single most important decision you make this year. Think about it – what other vendor holds responsibility over vital business factors like: the productivity of your entire staff, the security of your most sensitive information, your ability to manage through and recover from a disaster? 

The strategic importance of this decision may lead you to wonder… “how do we find a better IT partner?”

If so, you're in the right place.

But first, answer this:

"How did I get here in the first place?"

We've seen it time and again. The wrong questions lead to the wrong IT partner. Want the right questions? This guide has questions that will make selecting an IT vendor easy.

Better questions lead to better decisions when selecting an IT vendor.

This guide includes:

  • 8 key topic areas to review with IT partner candidates
  • 7 questions to ask about a candidate's human resource policies
  • 3 questions that separate IT experts from IT yes-men
  • The only security question that matters
  • Safeguards when speaking with references
  • 21 questions to ask your current or future IT vendor


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