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Wineries: It’s Time to Tap into the Cloud

Jason Clause
Jason Clause
February 23, 2023

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Harvest the rewards of cloud computing

Key Takeaways:

  • What is cloud computing?
  • What are the benefits of cloud computing for a winery?
  • Why is cloud computing a wise business investment?
  • Learn the business benefits of using Microsoft Office 365.
  • Discover how viticulture is growing using advanced technologies.

Many business industries are slow to adopt technological advances, and the viticulture and winery industries are no different. However, the changing global landscape of viticulture has increased competition and demand. 

At the same time, data and data security have become the lifeblood of any business, including wineries. Challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity risks, and global competition require the wine industry to leverage the benefits of digital technology. 

Digital technology includes cloud computing or cloud-managed services and even IoT devices that help maintain sustainability by automatically measuring crop data. The cloud’s ability to enable businesses to reduce waste by increasing the efficiency of business operations makes it a crucial business investment. 

This guide provides information on the benefits of cloud computing for managing businesses and leveraging customer data to increase revenue.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing refers to web-connected servers and software accessible over the internet. Instead of owning and managing an internal network of servers, devices, and security, businesses need only manage devices and leave the security, data, and server management to the cloud service provider. 

Cloud computing [Forbes] allows businesses of any size to access advanced security and technology at lower costs. The scalability of cloud service payments helps by only paying for the services the business needs and nothing it doesn’t. 

Cloud networks enable connectivity to business networks securely from anywhere with internet access. The cloud enables businesses to reduce costs, become more flexible, and operate more efficiently. 

For example, workers can work from anywhere – for wineries and viticulture, that means in the field, in the tasting room, at home, or in the wine cellar. All your business network, accessible securely from anywhere with internet access, allows for improved business growth. 

But how? By not only enabling the ability to work from anywhere but also by focusing on your business and not having to worry about managing your servers, security, and devices. There’s more to do to build, maintain, and grow a winery than manage data and networks or manually create and manage spreadsheets and documents. Focus on the wine and the grapes and leave the business network to the cloud.

What are the benefits of cloud computing for a winery?

The first benefit of migrating to the cloud is revenue growth – businesses operating in the cloud typically achieve a 33% increase in revenue [Cloud Direct]. Cloud computing helps businesses such as a winery, which often rely on traditional manufacturing and marketing processes, to increase business revenue. 

Data is the lifeblood of any business. Protecting, saving, and leveraging data is what enables businesses to build revenue. Using actual customer data, cloud systems can use technology to analyze your data and provide business analytics using dashboards and reports. These business intelligence options enable businesses to better target marketing and advertising efforts. 

Businesses can also create a stronger connection with customers online using multiple communication channels like websites, social media outlets, chat, and email.

More connections equals more customers. The customer experience is huge for any modern business, and wineries are no exception. By leveraging the cloud to build positive customer relationships, a business can not only attract new customers but retain and create a loyal customer base using personalized communication and pricing.  

Other cloud computing benefits include:

  • Improved security for business data
  • Secure processing for all business operations, including user access management
  • Customer data retention
  • Centralized offsite storage to keep business records and data safe
  • Scalability and configurability to meet your unique business needs
  • Accurate business analytics based on real customer data

Consider, for example, Microsoft 365 – an excellent example of a cloud computing system. By signing up for a subscription, businesses have access to all the tools a business needs to work and collaborate more efficiently. All the data and servers are managed by Microsoft. As a business, you use the tools to securely access the applications you want to use. 

Microsoft 365 includes a variety of tools for businesses, including: 

  • The standard Office Suite with Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and OneNote
  • Online Email and Calendar
  • SharePoint
  • Yammer
  • Power BI (business intelligence

Businesses can create custom application solution suites to maximize productivity and only pay for the applications they need. Scaling or managing features is made simple using the administration dashboard. Check out the 365 Tip of the Week newsletter to learn more.

Why is the cloud a wise business investment?

Using cloud services to manage your business network eliminates the risk of security breaches (Launchy) and increases data accuracy for business growth. Managing server networks, devices, and data is a resource-intensive job that requires ever-evolving technology skills and experience. The risk of data loss is much lower when handled by managed service providers whose job revolves around data and system security. 

Cloud computing frees up business resources and focuses them on the business of wine and viticulture. When running a winery or viticulture business, there’s enough to do without adding network IT management. Employees can focus on their jobs to grow the business rather than worrying about managing a computer, data, or security. 

The ROI for using the cloud services within Microsoft 365 alone resulted in an ROI of more than 150%. [Cloud Direct] 

Cybersecurity threats affect all businesses, but especially hard hit are those not up on the latest technology. Cloud service providers stay up to date on all technology versions and security updates. With a cloud-based network, your security and software versions are kept up to date automatically. 

Microsoft 365 uses the following additional security features: 

  • Message encryption for email
  • Advanced threat analytics that identify suspicious behavior through continuous monitoring
  • Mobile device management
  • Data loss prevention
  • User access management

Are you ready for the future of viticulture?

Advanced technology for improving viticulture goes beyond a cloud-based network to include IoT sensor devices that monitor crop conditions, including moisture levels. Similar technologies help to monitor weather, check crops during disasters, and even manage irrigation. 

Supporting a business network system is a daunting task best suited to technology experts in the business of securing and managing data and networks. Get started on the cloud to manage all your business network, data, and customer needs – then leverage it further by taking advantage of IoT technologies that help to manage crops and water usage. IoT devices feed data into your network, so you’ll have real data to use in your business analysis. 

Wineries are in the business of growing, harvesting, and producing fine wines – not managing networks. Grow your business revenue, tend crops, and use real business data to improve customer experience and sales by focusing on what you do best. 

Need help dealing with choosing and implementing cloud services for your business? Endsight is your professional, knowledgeable, and reliable cloud and managed services partner. Endsight keeps your business running using the latest advanced cloud technology, including security and network access management. Get your free assessment today and see how Endsight can help your business grow by focusing on the wine. 

See what Endsight and cloud computing can do for your winery – contact us today.



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